Myth 1:
COVID vaccines give you COVID-19
Fact 1:
Simply put, COVID vaccines cannot give you COVID-19. The vaccine is either an mRNA vaccine or a viral vector vaccine, both of which do not contain the live virus that causes the illness. COVID vaccines instruct our body cells to make a protein capable of triggering a (primary) immune response inside us, causing our immune systems to build antibodies to protect against the virus. The technology of this vaccine mirrors what would happen during a natural infection of COVID-19.
Myth 2:
COVID vaccines will alter your DNA
Fact 2:
Both authorized types of COVID vaccines - mRNA and viral vector - are not capable of affecting or interacting with your DNA in any way. As previously mentioned, the vaccine will deliver instructions to your body to build antibodies against the COVID-19 virus. The mRNA from COVID vaccines never enter the nuclei of cells, which is where DNA is stored, and cells break down the mRNA soon after they have finished using the instructions delivered. All COVID-19 vaccines work with our bodies’ natural defenses to develop immunity to disease in a safe manner.
Myth 3:
The COVID vaccine is unsafe as it was developed and tested quickly
Fact 3:
Numerous pharmaceutical companies and governments have invested significant amounts of resources into developing vaccines for protecting against COVID-19 due to the severity of the global pandemic. Authorized COVID vaccines are held to vigorous safety and efficacy standards and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA). mRNA vaccines are relatively new, but are not unknown to scientists. Scientists have been working with them for decades. Additionally, the speedy development and production of COVID vaccines were due to the use of readily available materials and the willingness of people to test the vaccine before they were made accessible to the general public.
Myth 4:
The side effects are detrimental to health in the long term
Fact 4:
The most common side effects from COVID vaccines include fatigue, muscle aches, joint discomfort, a fever, headaches, as well as redness and swelling at the injection site. These symptoms are mild and they are signs that your body’s immune system is developing an immune response to the vaccine. It is important to note that the afore-mentioned side effects are commonly experienced after most vaccines, such as the flu shot - not just the COVID-19 vaccine. For instance, the symptom of arm pain is caused by inflammation as a result of a needle, which is a foreign object, entering our bodies. Serious side-effects, such as a strong allergic reaction to ingredients in the vaccine, are rare. Only about 0.145% of vaccinated people have reported an Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) in Hong Kong.
Myth 5:
COVID vaccines cause infertility and pregnancy complications in women
Fact 5:
There is currently no evidence showing that COVID-19 vaccines are capable of causing problems correlated with pregnancy, such as the development of the placenta. Additionally, there is no proof that fertility complications are a side effect of COVID-19 vaccines.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021), Understanding mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines, []
City and County of San Francisco (n.d), Covid-19 Vaccine: Myth Vs Fact, []
Korin Miller (2021), VeryWell Health, Why Does the Covid-19 Vaccine Cause a Sore Arm?, []
Hong Kong Government n.a (2021), Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Hong Kong, []
Writer: Holly Liu
Editor: Jessica Tang
Thumbnail: Holly Liu