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AEDs in Hong Kong

Shen Tan

What is an AED?

The AED, short for Automatic External Defibrillator, is a portable device that detects and treats potentially life-threatening cases of sudden cardiac arrest. When an irregular heartbeat is detected in patients, it applies an electrical shock that reverts the heart to its normal rhythm. This procedure is known as defibrillation.

Why are AEDs important?

Cardiac arrest is one of the most frequent causes of death and leading cause of healthcare expenditures, and in Hong Kong, it has a mortality rate of 97 to 99 percent. Survival rates in victims decrease by 7 to 10% for every minute until normal rhythm is not restored, and without medical intervention, sufferers may die within 10 to 15 minutes. AEDs allow them a chance of survival.

Legal and liability issues

In Hong Kong, there is currently no restriction on the usage, ownership, or sales of AEDs. As an international financial hub, Hong Kong receives thousands of overseas visitors annually, many of those who expect a "heart-safe" environment similar to the ones in their own countries.

An AED is the equivalent of a fire extinguisher in medical emergencies. During failed resuscitation attempts, liability is often placed on whether venues such as hotels and convention centres are equipped with such devices, rather than on the success or failure of the resuscitation itself. However, it is also highly recommended that AED users go through a certificated first-aid course beforehand. This certificate establishes their credibility during the rescue effort, and should the procedure go wrong, helps safeguard them in the eyes of the law.

How can you find an AED?

HKUEMU AED is an AED locator app developed by HKU that displays the locations of AED equipment all over Hong Kong. Turn on your phone’s location and you will be able to locate the nearest AED in the area. The app also offers instructions on how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on heart attack victims. You can even contribute yourself by adding the locations of unidentified AED equipment to the map!




Writing: Shen Tan

Editing: Ran Zhao

Graphics: Holly Liu


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